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主题 - 一

AmjadHD ST3

🎨 将 Atom 的 One Dark 和 One Light UI 以及语法主题移植到 Sublime Text 的方案 ⚡.



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One Theme

GitHub release (latest by date) Package Control

🎨 将 Atom 的 One Dark 和 One Light UI 以及语法主题移植到 ST4 和 ST3.2+ 的方案 ⚡.


该插件包含两个色彩方案 One DarkOne Light,以及一个自适应主题。请确保禁用或删除相同名称的任何其他色彩方案,即 https://packagecontrol.sublime.net.cn/packages/One%20Dark%20Color%20Scheme


Package Control


首选项以最接近 Atom 的外观,添加到您的用户设置(如果您希望的话)。

    "always_show_minimap_viewport": true,
    "animation_enabled": false,
    "caret_extra_bottom": 2,
    "caret_extra_top": 1,
    "caret_style": "blink",
    "enable_tab_scrolling": false,
    "highlight_line": true,
    "highlight_modified_tabs": true,
    "indent_guide_options": [
    "line_padding_bottom": 2,
    "line_padding_top": 1,
    "margin": 0,

    // ST4-specific
    "highlight_gutter": false,
    "show_scroll_tabs_buttons": false,
    "show_tabs_dropdown_button": false,
    "show_new_tab_button": false,

ST4 引入了自动深色/浅色模式切换,运行 UI: Select ThemeUI: Select Color Scheme,选择 自动 然后继续。或者将其添加到您的用户设置

    "theme": "auto",
    "dark_theme": "One.sublime-theme",
    "light_theme": "One.sublime-theme",

    "color_scheme": "auto",
    "dark_color_scheme": "One Dark.sublime-color-scheme",
    "light_color_scheme": "One Light.sublime-color-scheme",


对于 ST4,从命令面板运行 UI: Customize Theme,对于 ST3,导航到 首选项 > 软件包设置 > 主题 - 一 > 自定义。参阅 https://text.sublime.net.cn/docs/themes.html#customization


    "variables": {
        // darker borders with medium-dark color schemes
        "border-color": "color(var(ui-bg) l(- 8%))",

    "rules": [
        // Highlight the top border of the focused tab instead of the left one
            "class": "tab_control",
            "layer2.inner_margin": [0, 2, 0, 0],
        // ST4: Match the color of the tab connector to that of the tab
            "class": "tab_connector",
            "tint_index": 0,
        // Hide sidebar's vcs status icons
            "class": "vcs_status_badge",
            "layer0.opacity": 0.0,
        // Show panel's close button
            "class": "panel_close_button",
            "content_margin": 8,
            "layer0.opacity": 1.0


https://github.com/andresmichel/one-dark-theme 对我创建此插件非常有帮助。